How to add new data-service

DAS has pluggable architecture, so adding a new CMS data-service should be a relatively easy procedure. Here we discuss two different ways to add a new service into DAS.

Plug and play interface

This work is in progress.

A new data-service can register with DAS by providing a file describing the interface and available APIs. This configuration includes the data-service URL, the data format provided, an optional expiration timestamp for the data, the API name, necessary parameters and optional mapping onto DAS keys.

A new DAS interface will allow this information to be added via a simple configuration file. The data-service configuration files should be presented in [YAML] data-format.

An example configuration follows [1]:

# SiteDB API mapping to DAS
system : sitedb
format : JSON

# API record
# URI description
urn : CMSNametoAdmins
url : ""
params : {'name':''}
expire : 3600 # optional DAS uses internal default value

# DAS keys mapping defines mapping between query names, e.g. run,
# and its actual representation in DAS record, e.g. run.number
daskeys : [
    {'key':'site', 'map':'', 'pattern':''},
    {'key':'admin', 'map':'email', 'pattern':''}

# DAS search keys to API input parameter mapping
das2api : [
        {'das_key':'site', 'api_param':'se', 'pattern':""}
# next API
# APIs notation mapping maps data-service output into
# DAS syntax, e.g
# {'site_name':'abc'} ==> {'site':{'name':'abc'}}
notation : [
        {'notation':'site_name', 'map': '', 'api': ''}

The syntax consists of key:value pairs, where value can be in a form of string, list or dictionary. Hash sign (#) defines a comment, the three dashes (—) defines the record separator. Each record starts with definition of system and data format provided by data-service.

# comment
system: my_system_name
format: XML

Those definitions will be applied to each API defined later in a map file. The API section followed after the record separator and should define: urn, url, expire, params and daskeys.

# API section
urn: api_alias
url: ""
expire: 3600 # in seconds
params: {} # dictionary of data-service input parameters
daskeys: [{}, {}] # list of dictionaries for DAS key maps
  • the urn is the API name or identifier (any name different from the API name itself) and used solely inside of DAS
  • the url defines the data-service URL
  • the params are data-service input parameters
  • the daskeys is a list of maps between data-service input parameters and DAS internal key representation. For instance when we say site we might mean site CMS name or site SE/CE name. So the DAS key will be site while DAS internal key representation may be or site.sename. So, each entry in daskeys list is defined as the following dictionary: {‘key’:value, ‘map’:value, ‘pattern’:’‘}, where pattern is a regular expression which can be used to differentiate between different arguments where they have different structures.
  • the (optional) das2api map defines mapping between DAS internal key and data-service input parameter. For instance, DAS key can be mapping into _name_ data-service input parameter.

The next API record can be followed by the next record separator, e.g.

# API record 1
urn: api_alias1
url: ""
expire: 3600 # in seconds
params: {} # dictionary of data-service input parameters
daskeys: [{}, {}] # list of dictionaries for DAS key maps
# API record 2
urn: api_alias2
url: ""
expire: 1800 # in seconds
params: {} # dictionary of data-service input parameters
daskeys: [{}, {}] # list of dictionaries for DAS key maps

At the end of DAS map there is an optional notation mapping, which defines data-service output mapping back into DAS internal key representation (including converting from flat to hierarchical structures if necessary).

# APIs notation mapping maps data-service output into
# DAS syntax, e.g
# {'site_name':'abc'} ==> {'site':{'name':'abc'}}
notation : [
        {'notation':'site_name', 'map': '', 'api': ''}

For instance, if your data service returns runNumber and in DAS we use run_number you’ll define this mapping in notation section.

To summarize, the YAML map file provides

  • system name
  • underlying data format used by this service for its meta-data
  • the list of apis records, each record contains the following:
    • urn name, DAS will use it as API name
    • url of data-service
    • expiration timestamp (how long its data can live in DAS)
    • input parameters, provide a dictionary
    • list of daskeys, where each key contains its name key, the mapping within a DAS record, map, and appropriate pattern
    • list of API to DAS notations (if any); different API can yield data in different notations, for instance, siteName and site_name. To accommodate these syntactic differences we use this mapping.
  • notation mapping between data-service provider output and DAS


[1]This example demonstrates flexibility of YAML data-format and shows different representation styles.

Add new service via API

You can manually add new service by extending and overriding the api method.

To do so we need to create a new class inherited from

class MyDataService(DASAbstractService):
    Helper class to provide access to MyData service
    def __init__(self, config):
        DASAbstractService.__init__(self, 'mydata', config) = self.dasmapping.servicemap(

optionally the class can override .. function:: def api(self, query) method of Here is an example of such an implementation

def api(self, query):
    """My API implementation"""
    api     =[0] # get API from internal map
    url     =[api]['url']
    expire  =[api]['expire']
    args    = dict([api]['params']) # get args from internal map
    time0   = time.time()
    dasrows = function(url, args) # get data and convert to DAS records
    ctime   = time.time() - time0
    self.write_to_cache(query, expire, url, api, args, dasrows, ctime)

The hypothetical function call should contact the data-service and fetch, parse and yield data. Please note that we encourage the use of python generators [Gen] in function implementations.